Diors main competitor is Chanel, everywhere you see Dior you will see Chanel! I visited many department stores in London and Newcastle and every store I went into I looked at the Dior makeup counter, perfume counter, jewellery, bags, shoes and clothing if they stocked it in that store. Every single separate area for Dior in every store had the same kind of item however for Chanel opposite all Dior sections. For example if I was in a section for Diors bag if I looked out of the section I could guarantee Chanels bag range would be there.
Chanel perfume campaigns -
Burberry -
My burberry ad -
Another recent campaign they have done is for their new collection and uses Romeo Beckham!
A good way burberry has promoted lately is with their nail varnish technology. Inside a pop up store they have a high tech gadget you are able to play about with. You choose a skin colour similar to yours and then you play one of their nail varnishes onto the table and it shows a picture of how that colour would look on you.
Although the designer behind YSL used to infact be the head designer for Dior, his brand is now a competitor for Dior as they too are couture.
Campaigns -